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Gum Color Changes: What They Mean and How They’re Addressed

Written by WebAdmin on . Posted in Blog

Beautiful Woman Flossing Healthy White Teeth — Crest Hill, IL — Crest Hill Family Dental

If your gums change color, you could have a dental or health issue. While dark gums may be normal in some cases, sudden color changes are not.

Usually, an overall oral checkup is part of a routine dental exam. So, if you see your dentist regularly, chances are he or she will notice the color changes before you do. However, if you have concerns about your gum color, read on to learn what different color changes mean and how the dentist can help.

Normal Gum Colors

3 Common Oral Lesions

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Closeup of Woman Mouth — Crest Hill, IL — Crest Hill Family Dental

You might ignore your mouth health until something starts to hurt. One common cause of oral pain is mouth sores, but not all oral lesions are the same. While some clear up on their own in a few days, others may require surgery. If you would like to learn more, check out these three common types of oral lesions.

1. Canker Sores

How Often Should You Visit the Dentist? A Guide

Written by WebAdmin on . Posted in Blog

Group of People Smiling — Crest Hill, IL — Crest Hill Family Dental

How often should you visit the dentist? This question seems simple, but many Americans aren’t sure how long to go between visits. And each individual case may be different, so a one-size-fits-all approach may not work for you. To help you find the right schedule, discover a few things to know about dental visit timing for different groups of people.


Parents may be surprised to know that dental visits for their little ones should begin very early in life. Parents may want to bring in their child for a first dental checkup six months after their first tooth comes in. Why so early? First, the dentist will help ensure that no problems occur with the baby’s teeth and that no decay develops that may hinder their adult teeth. Second, this acclimatizes kids to the dentist.

3 Surprising Reasons Why You May Have a Toothache

Written by WebAdmin on . Posted in Blog

Woman at the Dentist — Crest Hill, IL — Crest Hill Family Dental

A bad tooth can cause you tremendous discomfort, not to mention sudden bursts of excruciating pain. You may also have difficulty performing the simplest tasks if the toothache becomes unbearable.

A toothache can result from several oral issues, most of which you can prevent. Learn more about the most common reasons for a painful tooth and what you can do if you develop this problem.

Crest Hill
Family Dental

2410 W Caton Farm Rd, Suite C
Crest Hill, IL 60403
Phone: (815) 439-1111
Fax: (815) 439-9709

Map to Location
Monday 10 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday 10 AM - 7 PM
Thursday 10 AM - 7 PM
Friday 10 AM - 4 PM
Second Saturday of each month 10 AM - 4 PM

Please call for your appointment as our available hours are subject to change.